Links zu Philosophinnen und Philosophen, die sich im Umkreis von Semantik und Pragmatik bewegen.
Jay David Atlas Peter W. Stanley professor of linguistics and philosophy, Pomona College. Gricean Implicature, Presupposition, Negation, Formal Semantics of Natural Language, Negative Polarity, Generalized Quantifiers, Propositional Attitudes. |
2087 |
Barbara Abbott Professor, Linguistics & Philosophy, Michigan State University. Semantics and pragmatics, philosophy of language. |
1751 |
Alex Barber Dep. of Philosophy, Open University, UK. |
1696 |
Kent Bach Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University |
1612 |
Stephen Barker Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham. |
1622 |
Dorit Bar-On Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina / Chapel Hill. Philosophy of language (esp semantic theory), philosophy of mind, and epistemology. |
1721 |
Jonathan Berg Department of Philosophy, University of Haifa. Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Logic.
1673 |
Anne Bezuidenhout Associate Professor (Philosophy), University of South Carolina.
Philosophy of language, pragmatics, relevance theory. |
1795 |
David Braun Professor of philosophy, University of Rochester. Semantics of non-referring names, indexicals, and attitude ascriptions. |
1644 |
Emma Borg Lecturer (semantics, philosohy of language) at the Philosophy Department of the University of Reading, UK. |
1636 |
Richard Breheny Lecturer at the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London. Semantic concepts, relevance & situation theory.
1623 |
Herman Cappelen Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas
University of Oslo. Semantic Minimalism. |
1657 |
Ben Caplan Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Manitoba, Canada. Metaphysics, philosophy of language. |
1386 |
Siobhan Chapman School of English, University of Liverpool. Semantics and pragmatics, philosophy of language, pragmatics of literature |
1593 |
Robyn Carston Reader in Linguistics, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London
1982 |
Noam Chomsky Chomsky's MIT homepage. |
1992 |
Eros Corazza Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences, Carleton University (Canada) |
1587 |
Wayne A. Davis Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University; philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, epistemology, and logic |
1594 |
Paul Dekker Department of Philosophy,University of Amsterdam; philosophy of language, logic, and information |
1606 |
Johannes Dölling Privatdozent Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig |
1449 |
Reinaldo Elugardo Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Oklahoma. Philosophy of Language (proper names, definite descriptions, Davidsonian accounts of the semantics of indirect and direct quotation, non-sentential speech-acts), Philosophy of Mind. |
1647 |
Graeme Forbes Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University. Semantics, philosophy of language, metaphysics. |
1613 |
Christopher Gauker Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati. Philosophy of Language (natural language semantics, semantic paradoxes, logic of conditionals), Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophical Logic. |
1541 |
Manuel García-Carpintero Departament de Lògica, Història i Filosofia de la Ciència, Universitat de Barcelona. Reference, semantics/pragmatics-distinction.
1616 |
Gerald Gazdar Emeritus Professor, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex. Lexical semantics, GPSG, pragmatics. |
1737 |
Michael Glanzberg Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of California. |
1701 |
Delia Graff Associate professor in the Philosophy Department at Princeton University. Philosophy of language, logic, metaphysics and epistemology. |
1542 |
Richard Grandy McManis Professor of Philosophy, Rice University (Houston, Texas) |
1519 |
Mitchell S. Green Associate Professor, Department of Philosphy, University of Virginia; philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and aesthetics |
1746 |
Günther Grewendorf Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
1418 |
Steven Gross Visiting Scholar at Georgetown University. Philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics. |
1588 |
Robert M. Harnish Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics, University of Arizona. Linguistic Communication, speech act theory.
1553 |
Gisela Harras Professor, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Universität Mannheim. |
1659 |
Manfred Harth Universität München. Sprachphilosophie (Anführung und ihre Logik, Paul Grice, Sagen und Meinen, Semantik-Pragmatik-Grenze, logische Sprachanalyse und logische Form), Wahrheitsbegriff und Realismus-Debatte, Meta-Ethik. |
1451 |
Allan Hazlett Philosophy Department, Brown University. |
1463 |
Irene Heim Professor of Linguistics, MIT. Semantics, presupposition. |
1600 |
James Higginbotham Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics, USC School of Philosophy, L.A. Compositionality, interpretation of classical opaque contexts. |
1962 |
Larry Horn Professor of Linguistics, Yale University. Pragmatics, semantics, syntax, language and gender. |
1662 |
Yan Huang Professor of Theoretical Linguistics at the University of Reading, UK. |
1491 |
Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt Senior Lecturer in Semantics and Pragmatics at the Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge. |
1675 |
Hans Kamp Section of Formal Logic and Philosophy of Language, Institute for Computational Linguistics,
Stuttgart University. Discourse Representation Theory. |
1686 |
David Kaplan Professor, Department of Philosophy, UCLA. Logic, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Epistemology. |
2359 |
Andreas Kemmerling Professor für Philosophie, Universität Heidelberg. Sprachphilosophie, Frege, Grice. |
1731 |
Ruth Kempson King's College, London. Semantics, syntax and pragmatics. |
1646 |
Jeffrey C. King University of Southern California. Philosophy of language and philosophical logic. |
1688 |
Max Kölbel Lecturer, University of Birmingham. Theories of meaning, semantics/pragmatics, assertion. |
1615 |
Nikola Kompa Assistant Professor, Universität Münster, Sprachphilosophie und Erkenntnistheorie |
1608 |
Kepa Korta Director of the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) of the University of the Basque Country. |
1607 |
Angelika Kratzer Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Contextualism, cross-linguistic quantification, syntax-semantics interface. |
1641 |
George Lakoff Professor of linguistics, Berkeley. Cognitive linguistics, conceptual systems, conceptual metaphor, syntax-semantics-pragmatics. |
1758 |
Richard K. Larson Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University NY. Syntax and semantics. |
1580 |
Ernest Lepore Director of the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science (RuCCS). Philosophy of language, philosophical logic, metaphysics, philosophy of mind |
1981 |
Stephen C. Levinson Director, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Linguistic pragmatics, anthropological linguistics. |
1603 |
Peter Ludlow Professor, Department of Philosophy and Department of Linguistics, University of Michigan; philosophy of language, linguistics, metaphysics, epistemology. |
1579 |
Kirk Ludwig Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Florida. Philosophy of language (Davidson, semantics), philosophy of mind & action, epistemology. |
2370 |
John MacFarlane Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley. Philosophy of logic, philosophy of language, and ancient philosophy |
1552 |
Diego Marconi Professor at Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli (Italy). Lexical meaning, natural language processing. |
1474 |
Robert May Professor of Logic & Philosophy of Science, University of California, Irvine. Linguistics and philosophy of language (logical form, Frege). |
1588 |
Georg Meggle Professor für Philosophische Grundlagen der Anthropologie und Kognitionswissenschaften, Leipzig. |
1724 |
Friederike Moltmann Reader at Department of Philosophy, University of Stirling, Scotland. Natural language semantics, metaphysics, philosophical logic. |
1604 |
Stephen Neale Professor of Philosophy, Rutgers University; philosophy of language and mind, philosophical logic, metaphysics. |
1537 |
Michael Nelson Assistant professor, Yale University. Philosophy of language. |
1326 |
Geoffrey Nunberg Researcher at CSLI, Stanford University, and consulting professor, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics. |
1537 |
Michael O'Rourke Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Idaho. Situation semantics, meaning, truth. |
1407 |
Peter Pagin Professor, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University. |
1482 |
Barbara H. Partee Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Linguistics and Philosophy, University of Massachusetts. Philosophy of language and cognitive science (formal semantics and its connections with syntax, pragmatics, and logic). |
1637 |
Carlo Penco Associate Professor of Philosophy of Language, University of Genova, Italy |
1444 |
John Perry Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University. Philosophy of language (semantics, indexicality, context), philosophy of mind. |
1569 |
Christopher Potts Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. |
1670 |
Stefano Predelli Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham. Philosophy of language, semantics and pragmatics. |
1634 |
François Récanati Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, Paris). |
1692 |
Marga Reimer Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Arizona. Philosophy of language, philosophical logic, history of 20th century analytic philosophy. |
1510 |
Craige Roberts Associate Professor of Linguistics at The Ohio State University; Formal Semantics, Formal Pragmatics, and the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface. |
1633 |
Gillian Russell Assistant professor in the department of philosophy at Washington University, St Louis. Philosophy of language and logic, metaphysics and epistemology. |
1500 |
Jennifer Saul Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield, UK. Philosophy of language, Gricean implicatures, feminist philosophy. |
1446 |
Marina Sbisà Professore, Dipartimento di Filosofia Università di Trieste. Philosophy of language, semiotics, pragmatics, implicit communication. |
1882 |
John R. Searle Mills Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley. Sorry to add you only now, professor - no offence meant. |
1552 |
Gabriel Segal Professor, Department of Philosophy, King's College London. Philosophies of psychology and linguistics. |
1530 |
Mandy Simons Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University. Semantics/pragmatics interface, role of general conversational principles in language interpretation. |
1695 |
Scott Soames Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California. Philosophy of language and history of analytic philosophy. |
1515 |
Jeff Speaks Department of Philosophy, McGill University. Philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, history of analytic philosophy. |
1452 |
Dan Sperber Research Professor at the Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris. |
1590 |
Robert Stainton Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario. Cognitive science, epistemology and philosophy of mind, philosophy of language. |
1606 |
Robert Stalnaker Professor, Department of linguistics and philosophy, MIT. Philosophical logic, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language (logic and semantics of conditionals, semantics and pragmatics of natural language, context). |
1628 |
Isidora Stojanovic Junior Researcher at the CNRS, Paris. Reference, Indexicals, What Is Said, Context. |
1520 |
Jason Stanley Associate Professor, Rutgers University, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology, Early Analytic Philosophy. |
1549 |
Zoltán Gendler Szabó Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Cornell University, philosophy of language and metaphysics. |
1500 |
Charles Travis Professor at Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University. Philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics. |
1514 |
Alberto Voltolini Ricercatore at Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli (Italy). Theories of meaning, reference and understanding; doctrines of intentionality and mental content; seeing-as; Wittgenstein. |
1480 |
Kai von Fintel Associate Professor of Linguistics (Semantics, Syntax), MIT Linguistics and Philosophy. |
1524 |
Arnim von Stechow Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Theoretische Sprachwissenschaft, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Grammatiktheorie, Verhältnis von Syntax und Semantik, logische Form.
1531 |
Gregory Ward Professor, Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Discourse/pragmatics, functions of syntax, intonational meaning. |
1376 |
Deirdre Wilson Professor of Linguistics, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London |
1549 |
semantics-online More philosophers and linguists |
1436 |